Saturday, August 15, 2020

Swallows & Amazons 90th Anniversary (1930-2020)

I honestly can’t remember how I came to know about the Arthur Ransome series of books. It must have been back when I was building my sailboat, and I spent hour after hour poring over sailboat stuff.

All I can tell you is that I was hooked from the get-go. Swallows and Amazons really had an effect on me; it was like childhood nostalgia distilled into a boatstruck-fever-dream.

Anyway, I own all of the books. I’ve read all of the books. You should too.

The Arthur Ransome Society

The Nancy Blackette Trust

If Not Duffers... 

Swallows and Amazons For Ever!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Lock 32

Okay, here's some pictures of me being all action man at Lock 32

Here I am mooring the Colonial Belle to the wall. This photo was taken by one of the passengers on the boat.


And here I am making sure the gates are ready to open for another Colonial Belle sunset cruise. This photo was taken by Senior Deckhand-in-training, Jolene.