Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Cadaver Dog Finds Body in Erie Canal

"GATES, N.Y. -- Search and rescue teams say they believe they have found the body of a missing Greece man.

Kurt Freese was last seen Friday after police say he suffered an apparent anxiety attack. Freese walked out during his shift as a machine operator at Light Fab in Gates, leaving behind his car and personal belongings. Police say he was distressed.

Since Friday, law enforcement agencies used K-9, a helicopter and boat to look for Freese. Tuesday afternoon, a Massasaugua Search and Rescue cadaver dog out on a boat found Freese's body in the water about and hour into the search. The medical examiner's office will now make a positive identification and determine the exact cause of death.

Police say they might never had found Freese had it not been for the volunteer search teams who stepped in to help."

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